Toys Needed for LAPD Winter Wonderland

“Greetings All,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Please find attached the updated Winter Wonderland Flyer.  This year I’m happy to report we have the LA Kings Ice Crew and Universal is bringing “Stewart” the Minion this year.
Every year Pacific provides a fun filled memorable event for 3,000 needy children.
We are in need of toys.   As I stated previously some Block Captains are collecting from their neighborhood and taking to the station.
Anyone can drop off an unwrapped new toy at the station front lobby or there are many barrels all over the area that say “LAPD Pacific” toy drive.
Neighborhood Councils can participate and support by making a monetary donation or donating toys.
Anyone can also donate at the Pacific Area’s Booster’s website here:  DonateWinterWonderland2016
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

Monica Harmon
Public Safety Advocate”
